Meet the Pride: Balzac Chang

Lionbridge Games Lead IPM in Taipei 

Visit our Taipei office to meet Balzac Chang, Lead IPM for Lionbridge Games. Balzac is in charge of gaming content production for Chinese languages, tracking localization and audio projects from beginning to end. He is passionate about learning from his talented Lionbridge Games team and, of course, being able to play video games on the job.

Tell us a little about your role at Lionbridge Games. What does a typical workday look like for you?

As a lead IPM in China, I’m in charge of gaming content production work for Chinese languages, including both localization and audio work. Each morning, the first thing I do is track new requests and make sure everything is on track before the project managers go on duty. During the day, I have one-on-one meetings, delivery and operations meetings and calls with other gaming labs. I also communicate with all of our customers and keep track of our many projects. Later on, I check that all tasks are on track before the end of the business day.

What do you enjoy most about your role? What is the most exciting opportunity on the horizon for your team this year?

I love working with my talented team who share the same values and passion for their job as I do. I also love that no one will question why you’re playing video games during business hours! This year we have a huge opportunity to achieve double digit growth for our Chinese content localization business.

What first made you interested in gaming? Are there any games or trends in gaming that you’re particularly excited about?

I got my first gaming device, an Apple IIe, a long, long time ago, and have been hooked on gaming ever since. As for games coming out soon, I can’t wait for Cyberpunk 2077. I pre-ordered the game a while ago, but the release date in China has been moved back to December. Another game I’m excited about is Black Myth: Wukong. Of course, I’m also excited for the next-generation game consoles, which came out last month.

What excites you most about the gaming industry today?

Gaming engines and hardware are developing at a faster rate than we could have ever imagined 10 years ago. Cutting edge gaming devices can give the player a completely immersive experience, showing how quickly gaming technology has improved.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love playing games and listening to music in my free time. I don’t have the luxury to play through all of my favorite games, but I do enjoy watching YouTube and gaming streams. Once or twice a month, I play Forza Horizon 4 with my lovely nephew online.

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