Meet the Pride: Answer Zhang

Lionbridge Games Business Development Director in Jinan, China

Visit our Jinan office to meet Answer Zhang, Business Development Director for Lionbridge Games. Answer works on quality assurance for gaming clients, making sure that games are effective from both a language and functional perspective. He enjoys staying on top of the latest gaming news and traveling to new places.

Tell us a little about your role at Lionbridge Games. What does a typical workday look like for you?

I’m a business development director based in Jinan, where I develop gaming opportunities for Chinese markets. Specifically, I work on localization, language quality assurance and functionality quality assurance, making sure our client’s games appeal to customers from a linguistic and a technical standpoint. My daily responsibilities include selecting target customers, building up relationships with clients and finding the right game testers for a job.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

As an avid gamer myself, I enjoy being able to work with gaming companies directly. I also enjoy being aware of the latest news in the gaming industry and knowing about the latest trends in gaming.

When did you first become interested in gaming? Are there any games or trends in gaming that you’re particularly excited about?  

I’ve been a gamer for more than 20 years. In China, mobile games have always dominated the gaming market. But more recently, more local games are being released on platforms like Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox and PC, reflecting a diversification of the Chinese gaming industry.

What excites you most about the gaming industry today?

Some local gaming companies have started to develop AAA games—AAA games are blockbuster video games, where huge teams work for months or years to develop a game, working for a major studio. It’s exciting to see such ambitious work taking place in China.

What are your customer’s key expectations for Lionbridge Games? What is the most exciting opportunity on the horizon for your team this year?

Our customers expect us to help create popular IPs—which is another term for game franchises or individual games—while still sticking to their budget. This year, we’re working on a few major IPs for renowned global publishers; it’s exciting to work on such major projects and further develop our relationship with those companies.

What is the best part of your job?

I enjoy the sense of accomplishment I feel when I am able to convince a customer to entrust us with a major project. I also enjoy learning from my global network of Lionbridge Games colleagues, from our offices all around the world.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

In my free time, I enjoy playing video games and travelling. When I travel to new places, I love taking in the views and spending time in nature.

Lionbridge Games